Can I partner or become a sponsor with the Portal Quest Project?

No. We currently do not do partnerships nor sponsorships under any circumstances.

Can I join the project?

This can't be decided by a simple yes or no answer. Each application form is individually reviewed and accepted or denied by a case to case bias. You can apply at careers!

What is Portal Quest?

Portal Quest is one of if not the oldest animated film franchises that takes place in Minecraft. Portal Quest is rated as a PG-13 action/adventure fantasy film. There are 3 films planned with each expected to be approximately 90 minutes long and will be released on YouTube and other possible streaming platforms.

What is Portal Quest about?

Ermythia, a beautiful world where alien relics hold incredible powers and where legendary heroes once known as the Overseers protected the land from rising dangers alongside the Ender Knights. However, this is a different era, an era where wicked forces have stolen the relics from the tombs of the fallen heroes and are now threatening the remaining peace. Seeing the dangers firsthand, Zac, one of the Overseers' descendants, embarks on an unexpected journey with old friends and new faces to find and defend the remaining relics, if any.